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List of all widgets

Here's a list of the all widgets that you can use to create an astonihsing UI design with Nowa:

ContainerCombines tasks like painting, positioning, and sizing into one widget.
TextDisplays text with a specific style.
ImageDisplays a chosen image either online or offline.
ButtonUsed to start actions such as sending emails, sharing documents, or liking content.
Text FieldA field for users to type in, often found in forms and dialogs.
GroupArranges children in a row, coloum or in a free format
AppBarShows information and actions at the screen's top.
TabsDisplays a row of tabs to organize content across screens or data sets.
ListA continuous, vertical display of text or images that scrolls as needed.
Floating ButtonA round button that floats over content, highlighting a main app action.
Loading CircularDisplays ongoing process statuses, such as app loading or form submission.
Data BuilderTakes data from sources like REST APIs and feeds it into the widget structure.
CheckboxEnables users to choose from a set, turning options on or off.
IconAllows selection from the Material Design icon set.
Navigation BarHelps users easily explore and switch between primary app areas.
DrawerA side panel that slides in, showing navigation options within an app.
List TileA single-height row, often holding text and icons, designed for list use.
Page ViewA scrollable list that moves a page at a time, allowing sideways navigation between widget children.
Index StackShows one child from a list based on the given index, but keeps the states of other children unchanged.
Dropdown MenuA dropdown within a form, allowing users to select from multiple options.
Admob BannerA widget for displaying AdMob ads in your app, helping you monetize by showing advertisements.
Video PlayerAllows you to integrate video playback functionality, supporting a range of video formats for in-app video content.
Youtube PlayerEmbeds YouTube videos directly into your app, offering YouTube video playback without leaving the application.
Lottie AnimationEnables the use of Lottie files for high-quality, vector-based animations that are lightweight and scalable.
SVGSupports Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files, allowing for resolution-independent vector images to be displayed in your app.
Rive AnimationA widget to incorporate interactive animations made with Rive, enhancing the visual appeal of your app.
HTMLDisplays HTML content within your app, useful for rendering web content or rich text without using a web browser.
MarkdownAllows you to display text formatted using Markdown syntax, enabling easy styling and structuring of text content.
WebViewEmbeds a full web browser inside your app, useful for displaying web pages or web applications directly in the app.
Alert DialogShows alerts and prompts to the user, ideal for confirming actions or displaying important information.
WrapA layout widget that arranges its children in multiple horizontal or vertical runs, automatically moving to a new run when there's no space.
Cross FadeCreates a smooth transition between two widgets, blending them over a specified duration to create a fading effect.