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Overriding state functions

Let's see how you can override and add your logic to exisiting flutter state functions, such as initState and dispose.

Overriding Functions​

To enhance your app's functionality with custom initialization and cleanup logic, Circuit allows for the overriding of initState and dispose functions. This can be done by:

  1. Navigating to the screen or component's Circuit editor.
  2. Clicking the plus icon next to "Functions" and choosing to either create a new function or override an existing one, like initState or dispose.

Importance of "Call Super" Node​

Upon overriding, a "Call super" node appears, representing the crucial call to the parent class's method (super.initState(); or super.dispose();). Including this ensures the inherited functionality is executed, maintaining the integrity of the widget's lifecycle.

Custom Logic Integration​

After the "Call super" node, you're free to connect your custom logic. This enables executing specific tasks immediately after the parent class's logic, providing a seamless integration of custom functionality into the widget's lifecycle.

Use Cases for Overrides​

initState Overrides​

  • Checking if the User is Already Signed In: Right when the screen loads, you can check if a user is already signed in to decide what to show them next.
  • Fetching Data: Ideal for initializing screens with external data.
  • Setting Up Listeners: For starting event listeners or streams.
  • Initializing Controllers: Perfect for setting up any controllers for your widget.

dispose Overrides​

  • Cleaning Up Resources: Ensures all resources like listeners or controllers are properly disposed of.
  • Canceling Network Requests: Useful for stopping any ongoing data fetch operations.

Extending Overrides​

To override other state functions, simply create a new function with the name of the desired state function you aim to override. This allows for extended customization and control over your widget's lifecycle events.

Leveraging these overrides in Circuit not only empowers your app with efficient resource management but also ensures a smooth user experience by optimizing widget performance from initialization to disposal.