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Keyboard shortcuts

Here, you'll find a quick reference guide to keyboard shortcuts designed to accelerate your application development process. Learn these to enhance productivity, navigate smoothly, and craft your apps swiftly.

we encourage you to get used to them since it can make your work much faster and more efficient.

Shortcut list​

Shortcut in WindowsShortcut in MacOSAction
Ctrl + GCmd + GTo group/ungroup the selected widget/s
Ctrl + ZCmd + ZUndo
Ctrl+Shift+Z / Ctrl+YCmd+Shift+Z / Cmd+YRedo
Hold Ctrl + mouse wheel / zoom with two fingers on the mouse padCmd + mouse wheel / zoom with two fingers on the mouse padZoom in/out
Hold Alt + drag the widgethold Option + drag the widgetDuplicate the widget/screen
Ctrl + CCmd + CCopy
Ctrl + ZCmd + ZPaste
Ctrl + ]Cmd + ]Move the widget one layer up
Ctrl + [Cmd + [Move the widget one layer down
Ctrl + PCmd + POpen Widget picker